Do Not Recycle or Compost
Dryer sheets and dryer lint are not recyclable and should be placed in the garbage. Due to plastic content from synthetic fibers such as polyester, nylon, and elastane, dryer lint cannot break down in compost.
Recycle Cardboard Box Container
If the container holding the dryer sheets is made of only cardboard, it can go in the recycling bin.
Ways to Reduce
Switch to Wool Dryer Balls
Wool dryer balls are a reusable way to soften laundry, reduce static cling and help laundry dry faster. Want scented laundry? Add a few drops of an essential oil of choice to your dryer balls before tossing them in.
How to Soften Clothes Without Dryer Sheets
To soften your clothes without using harmful chemicals or creating waste, try the following methods: add half a cup of vinegar to the rinse cycle of your wash, use wool dryer balls, avoid over-drying your clothes, and / or line dry all of your static-causing synthetic clothing (or all your clothing entirely).